
Are you looking forward to your board meetings? The boardroom is the agora of startups. Yet many founders and investors just accept that those meetings are mediocre.
It doesn't have to be that way.

The board is a powerful resource to create a successful company, and good founders understand that. The right people in the room having an informed, trustful conversation about what is really going on leads to delightful Board Meetings that focus on what matters. The best investors intuitively create such an atmosphere, pushing the teams to achieve more while not losing sight of the interpersonal dimension. It's time we step up the game, because too many conversations between Founders and Investors are leading to nothing more than frustration.

Our mission is to make board meetings delightful, purposeful and relevant again. It all happens in the in-between: helping founders and investors to understand each other better. Navigate difficult conversations. Align on what is important. The process is simple: we observe, feedback and facilitate the whole process, from preparation, coaching founders, briefing board members, ensuring goal orientation, moderating discussions in the meeting and making sure the takeaways are not just noted, but acted upon.

Great boards discuss the right topics, at the right time, with the right people in the right setting.

Drawing from extensive experience as founders and investors, we work first and foremost with the founders to get what they want out of the board. The Board Meeting is the CEO's meeting after all. Over a period of 6-10 Board Meetings we work on the structure, the process and the board dynamics overall. No matter if you are about to raise a Series A and just started thinking about the board or whether your board is up an running for years, we can help make the most of it. Here are some starting points:

Preparing the board

Streamlining the preparation process - to spend less time, every time. Creating clarity - what do you want to get out of it? Storylining - how do we talk about what matters?

The meeting itself

Ensuring we stay on goal, while keeping an eye on the group dynamics, occasionally facilitating the discussion if needed, having the founders back in running this meeting.

Learning from it

How do you get better at something if you never ask for feedback? Understanding what happened in the board and how to improve next time, is key.
We know a good board when we see it, and we are there to support you to make the best out of your board. From bored meetings to Boardmeetings.

What founders say about us:

❝ You are an insightful and empathetic board member. Your experience of having been there and done that is important as an investor and board member. ❞
❝ You understand that the world is complex and there are many answers - and you don't try to simplify or push an agenda. That makes you very good at generating trust by empathy, calm and structure. In other words, becoming a trusted advisor. ❞
❝ You're the exact balance of founder-friendly - positive about the future but honest about the present. ❞

❝ Your willingness to connect with others on a personal level is a special asset in the business world. ❞